Tag Archives: debugger

HOWTO remove F12 exceptions during debugging sessions

I was debugging a new feature when I discovered that every time VK_F12 is pressed, the debugger triggered an exception. After some investigations, I found this forum thread, and I discovered that it is a kernel debugger reserved key. The Solution To fix this annoying problem, we can remap this hotkey going into the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug and editing the following value: UserDebuggerHotKey Setting it … Continue reading HOWTO remove F12 exceptions during debugging sessions »

HOWTO Automatically Catch Problems While Debugging

Suppose to have the ability to add dozens of breakpoints into your program main error detection points, whenever you start a debugging session. This should allow you to easily track down some hidden/unnoticed problems. For example, suppose to have a C function like the below one: __MYOBJECTDATA * WINAPI MYOBJGetPtr (HANDLE hMyObject) { __MYOBJECTDATA *pObj; pObj = (__MYOBJECTDATA *) hMyObject; __try { if ((pObj != … Continue reading HOWTO Automatically Catch Problems While Debugging »

Visual Studio 2017 remote debugger

Suppose to have a problem in your program occurring only a specific PC. You can study it by: installing a copy of your VS2017 on that PC. copy VS2017 Remote Debugger console Naturally the second way is simpler and more efficient, since you have to copy a folder. You can find it, in the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger or (into 32 … Continue reading Visual Studio 2017 remote debugger »