Tag Archives: git-svn

HOWTO set new SVN server in git-svn

These days, we migrated our SVN server to a cloud VM, and one of the needed tasks is to switch also my GIT repositories. An easy approach is to rebuild them, but it has one major drawback: it is possible only if your GIT repositories don’t include uncommitted revisions.  In these cases, you will lose them all. Since I have several unaligned GITs, I needed … Continue reading HOWTO set new SVN server in git-svn »

HOWTO Convert SVN repository to GIT

In my previous post, I wrote about using GIT with an SVN server pathing across different processes. One of these was cloning an SVN repository.  This topic can be used to convert an SVN repository to GIT one with all its revision history. The Process We can use the cloning command to set up the starting revision of our new GIT clone, by the following … Continue reading HOWTO Convert SVN repository to GIT »

HOWTO use GIT with SVN server

Introduction During COVID-lockdown, one of the challenges is to understand how to smart work as best as possible. One of my problems is that I haven’t remote access to the SVN server. I began to wonder if and how GIT can alleviate my smart work problems. The found answer is: yes, it can. Both repository types have their strong and weak points. My personal impression … Continue reading HOWTO use GIT with SVN server »