Tag Archives: switch

HOWTO switch back WP5 editor to the classic one (easy)

The new WordPress 5.x has set the block editor as default one. If you don’t like it, and you want to switch back the classic one, you can easily follow these steps: go into Plugins->Add New page look for the Classic Editor plugin. install and activate it As you will see, it will add 2 new settings to Settings->Writing page to switch classic/block editor as … Continue reading HOWTO switch back WP5 editor to the classic one (easy) »

HOWTO Switch Core Isolation Memory Integrity

With Windows 10 1803, I decided to switch on Memory Integrity Isolation into Core Isolation options of Windows Defender Security Center. The problem is that once activated, the switch is disabled, and it is not possible to switch it off. Naturally, I have found, that this feature has some problems about: some of the old drivers may not work properly Virtualbox doesn’t work These forced … Continue reading HOWTO Switch Core Isolation Memory Integrity »