Tag Archives: memory

HOWTO fix Performance Monitor ‘unable to add counter’ errors

Several days ago, I started Performance Monitor, and I tripped the following error: Unable to add these counters: \Memory\Available MBytes \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use \Memory\Cache Faults/sec \Memory\Cache Faults/sec \PhysicalDisk(*)\%Idle Time \PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length \Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/sec Looking around, I found and followed this article. The Solution I fixed the problem by executing the following command from an administrative Command Prompt window: lodctr /r … Continue reading HOWTO fix Performance Monitor ‘unable to add counter’ errors »

HOWTO start Memory Test on W10

If you are investigating strange issues/BSOD on your computer, you may reach the point to verify the installed memory. Windows 10 has this feature included, and it will spare the need to use any live CD, … You can simply use it by typing in the Search box: mdsched and selecting Memory Diagnostic Tool from the results, or by administrative Command Prompt by typing the … Continue reading HOWTO start Memory Test on W10 »

HOWTO limit MS SQL Server memory usage

Go to the Microsoft website and download MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS for ‘friends’), about 0.5Gb to download, and 1Gb of disk space. It is working with almost any MS SQL Server version and edition. Once installed you have to: start the program with administrative access rights elevation connect to the service right-click on root item in Object Explorer, select Properties select Memory from … Continue reading HOWTO limit MS SQL Server memory usage »

HOWTO Switch Core Isolation Memory Integrity

With Windows 10 1803, I decided to switch on Memory Integrity Isolation into Core Isolation options of Windows Defender Security Center. The problem is that once activated, the switch is disabled, and it is not possible to switch it off. Naturally, I have found, that this feature has some problems about: some of the old drivers may not work properly Virtualbox doesn’t work These forced … Continue reading HOWTO Switch Core Isolation Memory Integrity »