Tag Archives: upgrade

HOWTO block Windows 11 automatic upgrade

Introduction Recently I tried to upgrade my previous flagship notebook to Windows 11 but it didn’t work. The update constantly failed because of several problems that I wasn’t able to fix. When I decided to sign off from W11 upgrade, I discovered that I cannot change my previous decision anymore. This problem is that Windows Update constantly tries the upgrade process failing every single time … Continue reading HOWTO block Windows 11 automatic upgrade »

HOWTO fix Windows 10 upgrade process

Once again some weeks ago, I had to upgrade an old Windows 7 notebook to Windows 10. Up to now, it is possible by downloading the Media Download Tool, and following the program instructions. In the end, you will have a licensed Windows 10 notebook migrated by the previous OS. My problem this time was that Windows 10 installation met several problems and failed. I … Continue reading HOWTO fix Windows 10 upgrade process »

HOWTO fix Windows 10 installation blocked in updates searching phase

Several weeks ago, I updated an old notebook from Windows 8 to the latest Windows 10. One of the problems, I faced is that the W10 installation hung in the updates searching phase. From my investigations, it seemed a Windows Update problem of the almost phased-out OS. Simply I didn’t want to fix a problem in an OS that I was going to wipe out. … Continue reading HOWTO fix Windows 10 installation blocked in updates searching phase »

IIS is not working anymore after a system upgrade

Introduction Suddenly this Monday, the PC hosting the bug tracker site jumped from Win10 1611 to 1709. At the end of the upgrade process, the site was not available anymore. IIS seemed up and running, but something occurred and put the site offline. Looking at the event log, I saw swarms of the following errors: Error 2307 – IIS-W3SVC-WP The worker process for application pool … Continue reading IIS is not working anymore after a system upgrade »

Windows 10 – few steps for a smooth Feature Update

A couple of weeks ago, Windows 10 Feature Update 1709 was released, and for the second time I met some problems during the process. My investigations detected 3 possible solutions: do something before and after the update download the new W10 version by using MS media download tool do a clean installation. Luckily my problems were fixed by applying the first one. Preparations to apply … Continue reading Windows 10 – few steps for a smooth Feature Update »

HOWTO Upgrade a SVN repository

Sometimes you may need to upgrade or regenerate an SVN repository, because it may be outdated and/or damaged. After some investigations, I discovered that it is possible by a simple batch file like the following one: :@echo off set svnadm=”<path>\svnadmin.exe” set repo_out= “<full pathname of the old repository>” set repo_in=”<full pathname of the new one>” set file_dump=”<path>\repo.dump” %svnadm% dump %repo_out% > %file_dump% %svnadm% load %repo_in% … Continue reading HOWTO Upgrade a SVN repository »