Tag Archives: virtualbox

Forcing Windows XP multicore detection

Recently I had to resume a Windows XP Virtualbox VM, to do some tests. I have added some RAM and CPUs (from 1 to 2) to the VM, but the added CPUs aren’t detected.   After some internet surfing, I found the solution. To force the detection, open the Command Prompt and type the following line: rundll32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction ACPIAPIC_MP_HAL 128 %windir%\inf\hal.inf After a couple (in … Continue reading Forcing Windows XP multicore detection »

Virtualizing an old broken PC

Introduction A couple of weeks, a 12-15 year old desktop PC of mine died. After a quick investigation, it appeared to have some sort of electrical problem around the mainboard and the power supplier. I took a full week, to evaluate what to do. From the hardware point of view, it didn’t deserve any replacement. What is annoying me, is the 180€ for the Windows … Continue reading Virtualizing an old broken PC »